Song of the North is an awe-inspiring stage production adapted from the Shahnameh (Book of Kings), an Iranian epic poem published in the year 1010 by Persian poet Ferdowsi. Featuring nine performers and nearly 500 puppets, show creator Hamid Rahmanian brings to life centuries-old text with the robust energy of contemporary theater. The timeless tale follows a knight...
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Two world-renowned musical acts, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and Bruce Liu, come together for a tour-de-force performance of classical music. Hailing from London, the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields is an internationally acclaimed orchestra celebrated for its awe-inspiring interpretations and mastery of the classical repertoire. Canadian pianist Bruce Liu soared...
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The Naghash Ensemble combines the earthy spirituality of Armenian folk song, new classical music, and contemporary post-minimalism with the energy of rock and jazz. Three brilliant female vocalists and some of Armenia’s finest instrumentalists on duduk, oud, dhol, and piano play captivating new music based on sacred texts by the medieval Armenian mystic poet and...
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A six-time Grammy winner, Lila Downs stands as a powerful voice blending genres and rhythms as diverse as folk, jazz, blues, hip-hop, and traditional Mexican rancheras and corridos. Raised in Oaxaca and Minnesota, she channels her heritage through music, singing about social justice, immigration, and women’s issues in Spanish, English, and various Native American languages. Downs has collaborated...
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Grammy-nominated composer and conductor Miho Hazama is renowned for her innovative compositions and dynamic performances. Recognized as one of “25 for the Future” by Downbeat, she has released three albums with her signature jazz chamber orchestra, m_unit. Hazama's debut album, Journey to Journey, earned her the Jazz JAPAN Rising Star Award, and her third album, Dancer in Nowhere,...
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In conversations about blending classical and electronic music, few artists are mentioned as often as the Berlin-based pianist, composer, and producer Nils Frahm. Touring globally, he has won fans around the world with his unconventional approach to the age-old instrument, masterfully mixing ethereal sounds and electronic elements. An engaging live musician, Frahm has performed for...
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